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Iowa Representative Steve King has joined the growing amount of voices in DC who want the FISA memo to be revealed to the public. Rep King said that the “sickening reality has set in” and he now knows there’s no “innocent explanation” for what Hillary has been doing. Rep King added that it is “worse than Watergate”

Mueller made up a phony charge against Manafort just to make it seem as if he was making any progress in the Russia-Trump probe. But the truth is coming out. Droves of voices in DC are demanding the FISA memo is made available to the American people, so they know the truth and see that POTUS Trump is not a Russian spy but it’s actually HILLARY.

Yesterday the House Intel Committee voted to make the FISA memo available to fellow House members. This is memo is apparently EXPLOSIVE and will finally take down Hillary.

As politicians in DC bravely let the public know what they read in the memo, a former Secret Service agent came out as well and said the FISA memo is “devastating” and will “expose” Obama

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said that the “FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems” and that the “whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama” will be “destroyed” He went on to call Obama a “vengeful narcissist” and said he is about to be “Exposed”

Is this witch hunt by Mueller about to end? All this proof and confessions that Trump did not collude at all with the Russians, and yet the MSM propaganda continues to keep people believing the false narrative of Trump being a Russian operative DESPITE overwhelming evidence that he isn’t. The truth is Obama and Hillary are the true conspirers against America.