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Here at TPP, you will always get the truth at it’s core. We live in world of deception as the MSM empire feeds us misinformation of all kinds on s daily basis. And ever since an OUTSIDER such as Trump got elected, the globalist MSM is in full-fledged dishonest PROPAGANDA MODE. We see constant anti-Trump stories exposed as fake & yet such little remorse for the damage it does to his agenda and the truthfulness he stands for. I do extensive research as I also collegiately study and make sure I am posting the true info for us all to know. I am considered a pro-Trump blogger, I suppose. But I consider myself a libertarian/paleoconservative & my views just happens to align with Trump’s policies more often than not. Nevertheless, if Trump does something bad (most likely would occur due to physical threat from deep state or due to RINOs tricking him into bad deal) then I will call it as I see it.

Thank you for reading. Let’s stand up for our freedoms and western values. Let’s make sure tyrants on the left DON’T destroy our Constitution & let’s make sure America becomes great again.