The next time a leftist tells you that no one is coming to take your firearms, remind them of this. This isn’t the only case of gun confiscation by the way. It’s happening all over the US frequently. The MSM is pushing gun control and anti-2nd Amendment propaganda and the NWO has a total plan to eventually disarm all citizens.

Over a week ago, the fake Republican (RINO) Governor Rick Scott of Florida signed a $400 MILLION DOLLAR Gun Bill into law that allows the government and law enforcement to seek permission from a judge to seize an individual’s firearms. This is absolute tyranny. The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves

5 days ago Infowars reported the BLATANT TRUTH about NWO puppet Rick Scott and his RINO agenda. And now we see the 2A trampling begins. Many US military vets are now allowed to have firearms despite their service! OUR GOVERNMENT IS TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL. POTUS Trump is trying to restore the Republic but he’s continuously BETRAYED by globalist agents in his own party (such as Governor Scott)

The MSM anti-2A propaganda has gone fully tyrannical as they use the government-planned Florida school massacre to seize firearms of peaceful people. Governor Scott of Florida should join the Democrats.

Condoleeza Rice is another NWO puppet. She says some good things about Trump and has called for the whole Russia-Trump collusion narrative to end, but she’s weak. I’m not sure how evil she is, but she is totally complicit. She served as the Sec of State under President Bush — so she’s obviously malleable to evil. If she would just fully turn on the NWO she’d make a good ally for Trump, but I’m afraid she’s too scared of the NWO to betray them fully.

It’s CONFIRMED that “four firearms and 267 rounds of ammunition” were tyrannically seized from a 56 year old Lighthouse Point Florida resident. Apparently he was “taken” to the hospital for “involuntary” psychological tests

The paper notes that “the civil ruling removing his access to guns and ammunition was granted under … new legislation — which permits confiscating guns from people who have not been committed but are deemed a potential risk to themselves or others, according to the order signed by Broward’s Chief Judge Jack Tuter.”


Lighthouse Point Mayor Glenn Troast BIZARRELY said that “This is not about the 2nd Amendment” nor the NRA. He also said “We need commonsense gun laws and this is a commonsense gun law that gives police officers new tools they need” to protect citizens

See the source image

Uhh if a man truly is mentally unwell (which I have no sources who can confirm he was or wasn’t besides the Government that knowingly stood down during the Florida School Shooting last month), then it’s better to contact his family to help him. If he’s a danger (which the lying government that stood down says he is), then he should be arrested but not have his weapons seized as that is totally Unconstitutional. His firearms should then be handed down to a family member of his. This is all a psy-op to brainwash citizens into gun confiscation and Constitution-destruction.